Last night NVIDIA did their live stream and Jensen delivered the news that a lot of us tech enthusiasts have been waiting for and that is RTX 3000. now they've announced three different products and that is the RTX 3090 the RTX 3080 and the RTX 3070 but what we have seen already is that another YouTube channel called digital foundry has uploaded gameplay footage with percentage differences between an RTX 3080 and an RTX 2080. so in today's blog i'm going to be doing some educated guesswork with the numbers that we already see in that we're going to grab those percentage numbers convert them back to fps and then guess the performance of the RTX 3070 and also the 3090 and even compare that to the RTX 2080 Ti to see the value propositions of these new cards in a number that's easy to digest. Let's get on with it straight away looking at the numbers in the cuda core account from NVIDIA's own website we can see that this is essentially cuda core is NVIDIA's n...
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